We at Siraj Seafood exports wish to setup a new wave among seafood companies. The establishment of the concern itself is to give consumer delight by serving them the freshest seafood.

By following the quality management system conforming to HACCP, we shall take claim to deliver hazardless products. Our prime aim is quality that evolves as a result of orientation of safety specification and schedule.

Every person inSiraj Seafood exports stick to the quality objectives set out by the concern and shall strive to capture the leadership in the sector. Each one shall exhibit a scientific temperament and curiosity rather being mere followers.

All units in the concern shall ensure to deliver quality products with their total involvement and wholehearted co-operation.

We Have our Well trained and professional staff for ensuring the best raw materials procurement, Standard Quality processing and carefully packaging of our all seafood products under the stringent quality control systems in fully hygienic enviournment to maintain teh matchless quality standards and to provide freshest seafoods to our valuable customers worldwide.